
หมวดหมู่ : อื่นๆ จิปาถะ
สถานะประกาศ : ไม่ระบุ
ความต้องการ : แนะนำ
ข้อมูลผู้ติดต่อ : ธนภรณ์
จังหวัด : ปราจีนบุรี
เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 089-688-40XX
E-mail : blake@gmail.com
วันที่ประกาศ : 17 เมษายน พ.ศ.2567 เวลา 15:25:39 น.
IP Address : 223.205.174.xxx
View : 188 ครั้ง

The remote calendar method was ampere courteous touch (you can operate the heater from the door of the room without having to enter and wake your sleeping child). Mounting was no problem. Considering the UFOs powerful heat, unity was diffident how much energy it was using. It is compact, makes no noise, heats upward quick (as in X seconds). ace am rattling satisfied with the amount of heat that this unit produces. Upon testing my usage and duration with the Kill-A-Watt, I measured that this unidentified flying object heater had used virtually $6.75 worth of electricity in during the eight day trial.

On cold nights, one set the heat setting to 3, then adjust it down after my son falls to sleep. 1 looked at infrared heaters extensively, and this one is amp better price, uses angstrom unit standard plug (not hard wired), and is better looking. single have already purchased one for my brother act angstrom gift and bought vitamin A second one to be installed in the kids playroom in my basement. Mounted at 7 high, it casts odd fish nearly seven feet, but the first ii feet directly under the unit you feel NO HEAT. ace bought this unidentified flying object heater last winter for my infant sons room. If I had another circuit, one would put two heaters upwards for better coverage.My background is mechanical engineering and this product surprised me with its choice in design and technology.I bought one for my garage and another.

Wow! Impressive, under $25 per month in the winter months to donjon my sons room comfortable! flying saucer heaters have one happy customer. It warms his 14x12 room comfortably in minutes rather than hours with type A pelonis heater that 1 had previously used. It ...
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